Our Story

Volunteers in Medicine of New Hampshire was founded in March 2021 by Dr. Reiko Johnson and concerned community members who saw the challenges many patients faced in accessing healthcare in New Hampshire.

Imagine being a single mom with no car and little family support, trying to make a doctor’s appointment across town; a man with intense anxiety navigating an unfamiliar building, elevators or check in processes; or a new immigrant struggling to understand a receptionist or an appointment booking app.

For the uninsured and underinsured, cost is certainly a barrier to accessing healthcare. But there are so many other hurdles that we can reduce by understanding the obstacles they face.

The free mobile clinic model allows us to see patients in familiar and safe environments where we will hold our first free evening clinics, making it easier to access care for many patients.

Together We Heal

Volunteers in Medicine of New Hampshire

PO Box 962, Newfields, NH 03856
